Why is my 2FA code incorrect?

Maclear Team

Last Update bir yıl önce

  • Ensure that you are inputting the correct 6 digit code generated by your Google Authenticator or other similar 2FA apps.

  • The Google Authenticator Code has expired. The Code will regenerate after 30 seconds, which means if you do not input the Code in time, it will expire, and you have to go back to the Google Authenticator App to copy a new Code.
  • Please ensure you entered the 2FA code for the correct account if multiple accounts 2FA were bound to one phone.
  • Please correct server time in the Authenticator. If your device is android, select "settings-time correction for codes".
  • Some phones need to be restarted after binding. Please turn on 24-Hour time mode and Set it Automatically in Settings > General > Date and Time.

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