Why did my verification fail?

Maclear Team

Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

These are the most common reasons for your verification failure:

For Documents:

  • The document is expired or to be expired within a month.
  • The document is illegible due to shadows, or if not all corners of the document are visible.
  • The images you uploaded or the information on your document are not clear enough. Check for resolution and ensure the required fields are not blurred!
  • We only accept Passport, national ID, or Resident permit
  • The information on your documents does not match your selfie.
  • Incomplete documents provided in which there is missing front side/back side/main page.
  • Damaged documents.
  • Missing signature on the documents.
  • If you are using a laptop camera, we recommend submitting the requested information via your mobile device, as the quality of the photo will be much better for smooth verification.
  • You are under 18 years old.
  • Check that the submitted image is not blurred or has too much glare, making the image's text difficult to read.
  • All required sides of the document and text should be visible.
  • Only submit images of the original documents. Photocopies, screenshots, and scanned documents are not accepted.

For Selfies:

  • Take your Selfie under proper lighting.

  • Stay in focus. Make sure that your face is fully visible and in focus when you are asked to take a selfie.
  • Clean your camera’s lens.
  • Remove hats, headphones, glasses, and other things that can make you harder to recognize.

If you cannot pass the verification, please contact us via info@maclear.ch or Live chat

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