How can I get verified on Maclear?

Maclear Team

Last Update setahun yang lalu

To get verified on Maclear, please follow these simple steps to successfully complete identity verification.

  • Prepare your identity documents (Passport, national ID, or Resident permit) and smartphone.
  • Select the document type and country of issue
  • Scan the QR code to continue on your phone.
  • Follow the instructions and take pictures of your document. Make sure the images are valid and clear.
  • Take a selfie following the instructions provided on-screen to confirm the authenticity.

Once you have submitted all required photos and they have been uploaded successfully, the review process will occur automatically, typically taking up to 10 minutes. In rare cases, it may take a few business days. Do not be alarmed if this occurs, as a longer processing time may be necessary for manual review - this is normal.

We will notify you by email once verification is approved.

If you cannot pass the verification, please read Why did my verification fail?

Or contact us via

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