Maclear all bonuses.

Maclear Team

Last Update 23 giorni fa

Bonus from Maclear.

+10EUR for each investment over 500EUR Details.

Additional bonus 0.5% yearly interest to all borrowing projects listed on the Platform

Loyalty bonus.

+2% to the Interest rate per annum on all future investments. Details.

Referral bonus+Cashback bonus.

Maclear 1.5+1.5 referral program. Invite a friend, and both of you will earn 1.5% of the investment amount. Details. FAQ.

Bonus for review.

10 EUR on your Maclear balance for a review on TrustPilot and Google (5 EUR for each review)

* To receive the bonus send us a screenshot by replying to this email

Deposit and Withdraw 0% fee

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