Get 10 EUR bonus for each 1000 EUR invested into the Borrowing Projects.

Maclear Team

Last Update há 23 dias

Maclear exclusive offer!

Get 10 EUR bonus for each 1000EUR invested into the Borrowing Projects.

* Please note. The bonus of 10EUR is credited for every 1000EUR made as a single investment. 

Not as the total amount of your investment.

How it works: Invest 1000EUR and get 10EUR bonus. Invest 3000EUR and get 30EUR bonus.

All bonuses are credited instantly as a separate investment in the same project.

Cashback Rules:

Cashback is paid on bonus investments above 50EUR.

How it works:

If you Invest 1000EUR, you will get a 10EUR bonus(as a single investment). In this case, you will get 1.5% cashback only on an investment of 1000EUR.

If you Invest 5000EUR, you will get a 50EUR bonus(as a single investment). In this case, you will get 1.5% cashback on both investments, 5000EUR and 50EUR

About bonus withdrawal: You can withdraw bonuses at the end of the loan period when the project is repaid. You will receive principal payment + bonuses.

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