What types of projects does the Maclear platform have?
Maclear Team
Last Update 2 years ago
Open - The project is open for investment until the target amount of the Loan desired by the Borrowing Project is reached.
Prefunded - When the target amount is reached, the project status will change to Prefunded. After Maclear transfers the loan amount to the borrower, the project status will change to Funded, and You will receive links to the Claim Assignment Agreement and Repayment Schedule by email.
The transfer process can take up to 10 working days.
Funded - After Maclear transfers the loan amount to the borrower and the borrower fulfills all the required terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement, the project status will change to Funded.
Repaid - After the Borrowing Project repays the principal investment and all interest payments to all investors, the project status will change to Repaid.