How are projects selected to be listed on the Maclear platform?

Maclear Team

Last Update a year ago

Our company is meticulous about selecting investment projects. For a potential borrowing project to be considered by Maclear specialists, we require that the applicant fill out a special questionnaire supported by numerous legal and financial documents about the borrower, beneficiaries, and possible guarantees.

The project's initiator should also provide a detailed business plan and a financial model with a comprehensive legal, economic, and marketing analysis.

Afterward, the project is initially evaluated and verified by our personnel. Further, the borrower must provide information about the legal entity's current financial position, valid and confirmed jurisdiction, previous experience, etc.

After obtaining the necessary documents, a potential borrowing project undergoes a multi-level verification process, including, but not limited to, compliance, due diligence, and risk assessment. If the project passes all verification stages, our experts conduct the final stage of negotiations with the project initiators and sign all necessary and obligatory legal agreements. Subsequently, the project appears on the platform.

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