How can I withdraw funds from my Maclear account?

Maclear Team

Last Update 4 tháng trước

Please follow the steps below to withdraw funds from your Maclear account to your bank account.

  1. Click Deposit/Withdraw on the Dashboard side panel.
  2. Select Bank transfer section.
  3. Under “Withdraw” select your IBAN. Input the amount that you would like to withdraw and confirm your request by clicking the “Withdraw” button.
  4. To make withdrawals, you are required to enable 2FA (Two-factor authentication). Your withdrawal will be approved once you enter the 6-digit 2FA code from your Google Authenticator app. Click here to learn how to enable Maclear 2FA.
  5. After you enter the 6-digit 2FA code, you will see a confirmation pop-up.
  6. Funds will be withdrawn from your Maclear accoun ballance
  7. You’ll receive an email with trancaction details.
  8. Maclear processes all withdrawal requests within 1-2 working days

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